Unique technology platform
Glycorex has unique knowledge in the areas of biologically active carbohydrates and extracorporeal blood therapy. The business idea is to develop, produce and market world-leading, niche medical devices in the field of blood treatment with a focus on blood group-compatible transplants, universal blood plasma and certain autoimmune diseases. Common to the products is that they should show high safety and enable a gentle and effective treatment of patients while meeting significant healthcare needs. Glycorex conducts intensive research and development work. All development projects are based on the company’s unique technology platform that enables advanced and specific extracorporeal blood therapy, i.e. treatment of the blood outside the patient’s body.
New treatment options for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Myasthenia Gravis
The focus of the company’s development work is currently on products for the treatment of the autoimmune diseases Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Myasthenia Gravis (MG). These products will, when launched, have significant synergies with the company’s existing products in terms of production and sales.
Several early stage projects
In addition to the RA and MG projects, Glycorex has a number of projects that are in the early development phase. These projects focus, among other things, on the treatment of kidney failure, cancer and further improvement of transplant opportunities.
Scheelevägen 27 | SE-223 63 Lund, Sweden
Phone: +46 46 286 52 30 | Fax: +46 46-286 52 39
E-mail: info@glycorex.com
Org.nr: 556519-7372
© 2022 Glycorex Transplantation AB. Registered office in Lund, Sweden . All rights reserved.