New, effective treatment for Myasthenia Gravis patients
Glycorex has developed a full-scale column which has completed in vitro trials, where it has effectively eliminated the specific antibodies formed in patients with Myasthenia Gravis (MG). Over time, the goal is that treatment with this new product will replace today’s plasma exchange treatments.
A large proportion of MG patients form antibodies (autoantibodies) against proteins on their muscle cells. As a result, the nerve signal to the muscle is disturbed with impaired muscle function as a result. More than 50,000 people in Europe are estimated to be suffering from this disease. There is no curative treatment, but some patients may become more or less symptom-free. Treatment is given with immunosuppressive drugs or other medicines, but many patients are also treated with plasma exchange several times a year.
Great need for new treatment options
The purpose of the new product is to achieve a more effective and specific reduction of the autoantibodies with significantly less impact on other antibodies and blood components. Thus, a more effective and safer treatment is expected compared with other therapies.
Market potential
In Europe alone, more than 3,000 patients are estimated to be treated with repeated plasma exchanges. This means that the product for treatment of Myasthenia Gravis has at least the same potential as Glycosorb® ABO.
Project status
The company has developed a full-scale column, which has been shown to effectively eliminate autoantibodies in blood plasma from MG patients in the in vitro trials completed. No impact on other antibodies or other blood components has been detected. Since autumn 2019, this project has not been prioritized due to the company’s focus on the Rheumatoid Arthritis project.

Scheelevägen 27 | SE-223 63 Lund, Sweden
Phone: +46 46 286 52 30 | Fax: +46 46-286 52 39
E-mail: info@glycorex.com
Org.nr: 556519-7372
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