Glycosorb® ABO for deceased donor transplants
Blood group incompatible liver, heart and lung transplants save lives
Glycosorb® ABO can also be used in emergency transplants of heart, lung and liver from deceased donors. A patient being at risk of death while waiting for a suitable organ can be transplanted with a blood group incompatible organ thanks to Glycosorb® ABO.
Emergency heart transplants in children with Glycosorb® ABO
Glycosorb® ABO is also successfully used in blood group incompatible acute heart transplants in children. During these surgeries, the Glycosorb® ABO column is integrated into the existing heart-lung machine used during a heart transplant. Glycosorb® ABO reduces the blood group-specific antibodies to low levels during surgery before the transplanted heart is plugged in and starts beating. The experience of heart transplants conducted with Glycosorb® ABO shows that levels of the blood group-specific antibodies remain low after transplantation and that the transplanted children can be discharged from the hospital more quickly. This also leads to significant cost savings for the healthcare system.
Liver transplant using Glycosorb® ABO
Liver transplants can be done using a liver from a deceased donor or from a living donor. In the latter case, a smaller part of the donor’s liver is transplanted, which then grows into a full-size liver. Experience has shown that even patients with high initial levels of blood group-specific antibodies can successfully undergo blood group incompatible liver transplants from living donors after treatment with Glycosorb® ABO, thanks to the reduction of blood group-specific antibodies to a very low level in a safe way.
Scheelevägen 27 | SE-223 63 Lund, Sweden
Phone: +46 46 286 52 30 | Fax: +46 46-286 52 39
E-mail: info@glycorex.com
Org.nr: 556519-7372
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